Separation / Divorce
The No-Cost Collaborative Program for Separation/Divorce provides free access to the collaborative law process to qualified married participants. This program is made possible through a partnership between members of the Ithaca Area Collaborative Law Professionals (IACLP) and Legal Assistance of Western New York (LAWNY).
Financial eligibility for this program is determined by meeting certain income guidelines, a determination is made by LAWNY. Both spouses must be willing to participate in the collaborative law Process. There cannot be any pending court action between the parties, and parties with a history of domestic abuse or orders of protection are not eligible for the program. Collaborative lawyers and other professionals are working as volunteers.
To find out more about the program, or to see if you qualify, please contact LAWNY at 607.273.3667, and say you are interested in a collaborative separation or divorce.
For more information: No-Cost Collaborative Law Program – LAWNY